Analiza narracji propagandowej odgrywa istotną rolę w zrozumieniu, w jaki sposób reżim Łukaszenki kształtuje percepcję aparatu władzy w Mińsku wśród Białorusinów. Monitowaliśmy …
Kategoria: język angielski
18/10/2023: The Russian apparatus of influence uses Hamas’s attack on Israel, among other things, to „validate” disinformation about the aggressive West. Propaganda activities are constructed in a way that distracts attention from the war in Ukraine.
Selected theses use disinformation about Ukraine arming Hamas with weapons systems derived from Western military donations.We present selected lines of persuasion accompanying the operation:🔴 The West is responsible for the war in Ukraine and Israel.🔴 The war in Ukraine is irrelevant. The global destabilization of international security is imminent.🔴 The United States is withdrawing military…
11/10/2023: Russian disinformation based on the threads of Polish mercenaries / soldiers in Ukraine. Selected disinformation narratives:
🔴Polish mercenaries participate massively in the fighting in Ukraine.🔴 Poles are responsible for terror and for forcing Ukrainian soldiers who do not want to fight Russia.🔴 Poles commit war crimes, rape, plunder, and they are outlaws.🔴 Mercenaries from Poland are soldiers of the Polish Army who are to prepare the annexation of Western Ukraine. ✅…
30/09/2023: The Russian propaganda apparatus develops disinformation operations with the help of which it is creating a false image of Poland as a state striving for the annexation of Western Ukraine. Selected disinformation narratives:
🔴 The imminent annexation of Western Ukraine by Poland is an element of imperial ambition and the implementation of the geopolitical project „Rzeczpospolita 2.0”;🔴 Poland has already begun the process of consulting the Ukrainian partition schedule with the authorities in Kiev;🔴 Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania will conduct the partition of Ukrainian lands;🔴 Poland is…
25/09/2023: Manipulation and disinformation of Chinese propaganda after Putin’s meeting with Wang Yi. In terms of information activities, China implements, among others, an agenda aimed at weakening NATO.
Selected disinformation narratives:🔴 The world is being destabilized. Russia and China are concerned about international security, counteracting „unipolar hegemony”.🔴 China and Russia share responsibility for the development and progress of the world and the protection of international justice.🔴 Russia and China are working together towards an „international order”. China’s information activities are part of Kremlin’s…
17/09/2023: The apparatus of influence of modern Russia develops the ideological and propaganda operations of the USSR accompanying the Soviet aggression against Poland on September 17, 1939.
Selected disinformation narratives:🔴 The occupation of the eastern areas of Poland by the Red Army was the liberation of Belarusian and Ukrainian peasants from the oppression of Polish landowners, the bourgeoisie.🔴 Poland was xenophobic, anti-Semitic, ruled by nationalists and complicit in the outbreak of World War II.🔴 On 17 September 1939, the Red Army launched…
08/09/2023: Disinformation about Poland as the country responsible for the tragedy of immigrants on the border with Belarus is part of the regime’s propoganda in Minsk. Selected disinformation narratives:
🔴 The migratory pressure on the Polish border is of natural character.🔴 The Polish Border Guard is dropping the bodies of immigrants onto the territory of Belarus.🔴 Immigrants are beaten, humiliated and forcibly pushed by Polish patrols onto the territory of Belarus.🔴 Poland is responsible for the suffering of immigrants at the Polish-Belarusian border. The…
31/08/2023: Belarusian propaganda, Secretary of State of the Belarusian Security Council Alexander Wolfowicz, disinform about the situation on the PL-BY border.
Wolfowicz’s lies are a continuation of the disinformation operation aimed at Poland. Selected disinformation narratives: 🔴 The migratory pressure on the Polish border is of natural character.🔴 Belarus does not contribute to the influx of illegal migrants.🔴 Poland is „pushing” immigrants or their corpses into the territory of Belarus.🔴 The Polish Border Guard uses violence…
26/08/2023: The Kremlin’s propaganda apparatus perseveres in promoting false information about the participation of Polish soldiers / mercenaries in the war in Ukraine. This is an element of the Kremlin’s long-run disinformation whose unveiling is, among other things, the construction of a false image of Poland as an aggressive and offensive country that conducts a „proxy war” against Russia in Ukraine. This is disinformation.
Selected disinformation narratives:🔴 Poland secretly sends soldiers to Ukraine under the pretence of mercenarism.🔴 Polish mercenaries / soldiers in Ukraine commit crimes, looting, rape and murder.🔴 The task of Poles in Ukraine is terror and the elimination of Ukrainian soldiers who do not want to fight Russia.🔴 Polish mercenaries are preparing the annexation and occupation…
18/08/2023: The propaganda apparatus of Russia and China cooperate in information activities aimed at shaping a false image of NATO and the security policy of the West. The information activities participate in a series of operations aimed at creating a false image of Russian aggression against Ukraine as „provoked and inspired” by the West.
We present selected disinformation theses of Chinese diplomats promoted by the Russian propaganda apparatus. 🔴 NATO is „fuelling” conflicts around the world, destroying stability and inspiring separatism.🔴 NATO poses a threat to the world peace and should be resolved with the end of the „Cold War”.🔴 NATO expansion is the main reason for the „exacerbation…
10/08/2023: The Russian propaganda apparatus propagates the disinformation of the Belarusian MoD about Belarusian choppers not crossing Polish airspace.
The manipulation message is another information measure of the Lukashenko regime related to the provocation and violation of Polish airspace by Belarusian choppers. Facts: On August 1, 2023, there was a violation of Polish airspace by two Belarusian choppers that carried out training near the border. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus issued a manipulation message…