Najnowsza aktywność


Najnowsza aktywność

W ostatnich dniach coraz częściej spotykamy się z materiałami propagandowymi, w których władze Białorusi (oraz wspierające je rosyjskie ośrodki propagandowe) przedstawiają Polskę …

25/11/2023: The Russian propaganda system is carrying out discrediting activities aimed at undermining the image of NATO/US troops in Europe. One of the exposed threads is an attempt to indicate to recipients a threat to their own safety. For the purposes of these actions, the propaganda exposes disinformation about looting, rapes, crimes and the „outlawing” of US/NATO troops in Europe.

Selected disinformation narratives:

🔴 The US military perpetrates numerous crimes in Europe.
🔴 Soldiers of allied armies are often drunk and get into fights, beatings.
🔴 The elite of NATO troops in the West is compromised by paedophilia crimes.
🔴 Soldiers of the US army in Europe are people mentally ill, committing numerous robberies and rapes.

The alliance relations of Europe with the United States is one of the main targets of Russian manipulation aimed at weakening transatlantic ties.


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