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Najnowsza aktywność

W ostatnich dniach białoruska propaganda promowała wypowiedzi Dowódcy Sił Powietrznych i Wojsk Obrony Powietrznej Białorusi Andrieja Łukjanowicza. Omawiany “meldunek”, przedstawiony białoruskim “dziennikarzom”, …

Wstęp Pablo Gonzalez (Paweł Rubcow) 28 lutego 2022 roku Pablo González Yagüe został aresztowany przez ABW podczas zbierania materiałów na granicy polsko-ukraińskiej. Postawiono mu …

10/11/2023: Poland as an enemy. Propaganda attacks on the part of Dmitry Medvedev on Poland are based on disinformation both in the historical as well as in modern perspective. By means of propaganda activities Medvedev presents Poland as an aggressive, irrational country that destabilises the region and also one that creates imminent threat for territorial integrity of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. In the newest #DisInfoBulletin we introduce you to the selected lines of persuation:

🔴 Poland leads the way in supporting Ukraine’s ‘Nazi regime’ and deepening the Ukrainian crisis.
🔴 Poland supports Ukraine ostensibly, conceals hostile intentions and imperialist plans to seize the territories of other countries (“lying between Warsaw and Moscow”).
🔴 Polish policy is provoking a direct clash with Belarus and Russia at the cost of annihilating its own state.
🔴 Poland announces the introduction of troops on Ukrainian territory.


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